Our General Imports Cargo Inspection services are designed to assist Client country Customs authorities cope with the challenge of dealing with significant increase in imports and exports trade traffic, trade malpractices, resource capacity gaps, and facilitation of trade. The services are designed to assist Customs fulfil the compliance with the WTO Agreement and Kyoto Convention for the simplification and harmonization of Customs procedures to effectively contribute to the development of legitimate international trade.
Our services implement measures designed to attract a critical mass of export-oriented firms and facilitate trade for Governments. We achieve these by developing off-site infrastructure through private finance initiative or otherwise as may satisfy our client requirements.
Our service model provides significant improvement of the quality and standards ofservices delivered to investors and to exporters by government institutions and agencies responsible for trade and investment operations.
We achieve these through the deployment of sophisticated modern technologies such as scanning, automated risk management and verification solution systems with dynamic worldwide network integration with our global partners.